Check your pay level

Try our pay calculator and find out whether your pay matches the pay of others who share your profile.

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Salary calculator

The salary calculator lets you check the salary level of profiles of your choice.

The salary calculator is based on payroll data of almost 71,000 financial sector employees.

The salary level is defined as your fixed salary including fixed allowances, pension contributions by you and your employer, special holiday supplement and an additionally one 12th of the average annual amount received in one-off allowances etc. The salary does not include overtime pay. NOTE: It is new that the salary concept of the calculator from 2024 also includes the employer's pension contribution and the special holiday supplement.

How we calculate pay
Salary of new graduates


Provide details of your training background – i.e. the best qualification you have achieved and are using in your current job.

  • Lower secondary school
  • Upper secondary programme
  • Vocational training programme (e.g. financial training programme, trainee, apprentice, assistant)
  • Short-cycle higher education (e.g. academy profession programme)
  • Bachelor and diploma programme
  • Long-cycle higher education (e.g. master’s programme at university)
  • Ph.d.
  • Age


    Specify your current age in years. The salary calculator uses your age and not your length of service as the parameter for pay rises that are received through your career. This is because many employees in the sector change job. For this reason, it can be difficult to create a common framework taking into account length of service.


    Specify the region in which your main place of work is located.
    Responsibility for staff
    Area of work

    Area of work

    Select the main area in which you work. Your choice will determine which job titles you are shown.
    Job title

    Job title

    Specify your job title. If you work in several areas, please state your main area of work.
    Hours per week
    Predict your salary

    Questions or comments for the salary calculator?
    If you have any comments about the salary calculator or questions about your level of pay, please fill out the contact form. Note that you can also attach the calculation of your level of pay from the salary calculator.
